Welfare Wednesday

This week we are looking at the symptoms of stress. Lots of people think stress is rushing around trying to get things done or having loads on that to do list but it can come in all shapes and sizes and present itself in different ways. 😖

Stress can be caused by a number of things - work, life changes, money worries, health worries and loneliness, to name a few. 

Stress can affect our emotions and we may:

  • be irritable, angry or tearful

  • feel worried, anxious, hopeless or scared

  • struggle to make decisions, have racing thoughts or feel overwhelmed

The physical symptoms of stress include:

  • stomach problems, stress headaches and other odd pains including muscle pain

  • skin reactions, like stress rashes and hives

  • feeling dizzy, sick or faint

All of these are valid and are ok to experience, if you do experience these try and talk to someone or split up those big tasks. 

Remember…We are always here for whatever you need! 

The Welfare Team


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